

nalysis of Influencing Factors of Pastoral Dietary Behaviors among Metabolically Healthy Obese Patients:A Qualitative Study


背景  在肥胖率日益增长的现况下,代谢正常型肥胖通过早期干预可以获得良好结局,此类人群出现放牧饮食行为是体重管理的一个明确障碍因素。了解出现放牧饮食行为的影响因素,有助于提升肥胖症的饮食依从性,但目前缺乏相关的质性研究。目的  探索代谢正常型肥胖者放牧饮食行为发生的影响因素。方法  基于能力、机会、动机—行为模型(COM-B)和理论域框架(TDF)制定访谈提纲,选取江苏省某三级甲等综合医院内分泌科就诊的17例代谢正常型肥胖者进行半结构式访谈,访谈资料以COM-B和TDF为编码框架,采用归纳主题法和演绎框架法分析。结果  分析归纳出包括缺乏饮食管理知识、认知资源不足、感知和实践影响、不良应对方式、缺乏反思/自发动机、环境与社会影响6个核心主题。结论  代谢正常型肥胖者由于自身、医护、社会环境等诸多因素影响导致出现放牧饮食行为,应根据患者多维度需求采取相应干预措施,以帮助患者建立健康饮食行为习惯。

Background  In the context of rising obesity ratesmetabolically healthy obesityMHOcan achieve favorable outcomes through early intervention. Howevergrazing behavior in this population poses a significant barrier to weight management. Understanding the factors influencing grazing behavior is essential to improve dietary compliance in obesity management. Currentlythere is a lack of qualitative research on this topic. Objective  To explore the influencing factors of grazing behavior in metabolically healthy obese individuals. Methods  Based on the capacity opportunity motivation-behavior COM-Bmodel and the theoretical domains frameworkTDFthe interview guide was developed. 17 cases of metabolically healthy obese were selected from a grade A general hospital in Jiangsu province for semi-structured interviews. The interview data were coded using the COM-B and TDF frameworks and analyzed through both inductive thematic analysis and deductive framework methods. Results  Six core themes were identifiedincluding lack of dietary management knowledgeinsufficient cognitive resourcesperceptual and practical influencesmaladaptive coping strategiesabsence of reflection/self-motivation environmental and social influences. Conclusion  Grazing behavior in individuals with MHO are shaped by a multifaceted interplay of personalhealthcare-related and societal factors. Appropriate intervention measures should be taken according to the multidimensional needs of patients and help them establish healthy eating habits and behaviors.




