hanges in urine proteins of unaffected individuals with a family history of frontotemporal dementia
额题叶痴呆(Frontotemporal Dementia,FTD)是神经系统退行性痴呆中非常常见的一类疾病,是65岁以下人群痴呆的主要原因,具有很强的遗传性。该研究通过对FTD家族史未患病者人群和健康人群进行尿蛋白质组学分析,探寻在现有诊断手段下未鉴定出FTD的人是否存在与健康人有差异的尿液蛋白质和生物学通路。结果显示,两组之间存在387种差异显著(P<0.01;FC≥2.0或≤0.5)的蛋白质,其中多种蛋白已被报道在FTD或神经系统中发挥作用,特别是Progranulin(PGRN),被认为是FTD的一种有效的生物标志物。在差异蛋白富集到的139个生物学通路(P<0.01)中,有多种与神经元、神经系统直接相关的通路,包括神经胶质细胞和小胶质细胞。FTD家族史未患病者尿蛋白质组与健康人之间的不同,使得尿液蛋白质组学有潜力在探寻FTD潜在患病人群、探究FTD早期发生及发展相关机制方面提供线索,为FTD的预防工作以及早期诊断工作开拓了全新的视野。
Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a very common type of neurodegenerative dementia and is the main cause of dementia in people under 65 years old. It has strong heritability. To explore whether there are urine proteins and biological pathways that are different between those who have not been identified with FTD under existing diagnostic methods and healthy people, this study conducts urinary proteomics analysis on people without disease with a family history of FTD and healthy people. The results show that there are 387 significantly different proteins (P<0.01; FC2.0 or 0.5) between the two groups. Among them, many proteins have been reported to play a role in FTD or the nervous system. In particular, Progranulin (PGRN) is considered an effective biomarker for FTD. Among the 139 biological pathways enriched by differential proteins (P<0.01), there are many pathways directly related to neurons and the nervous system, including glial cells and microglia. The differences in urinary proteomes between people without disease with a family history of FTD and healthy people make urinary proteomics have the potential to provide clues in exploring potential FTD patient populations and exploring the mechanisms related to the early occurrence and development of FTD, opening up a new perspective for FTD prevention and early diagnosis.
Frontotemporal DementiaurineProteomics