Comparative Study of AIGC based on Word2Vec and BERTopic
党的二十届三中全会指出,教育、科技,人才是中国式现代化的基础性、战略性支撑。在新时代文化强国的战略背景下,以大模型和AIGC(生成式人工智能)为代表的人工智能突飞猛进,正推动新一轮科技革命和产业变革加速演进,生成式人工智能成为提升产业竞争力、推动经济高质量增长的战略性力量。本文收集了四方数据,分别是中国新闻网、中国知网、知乎、新浪微博,旨在对比研究中国官方媒体、学术平台和社交平台对于AIGC关注热点的差异性。首先,收集数据,在中国新闻网上收集与AIGC有关的新闻,在中国知网上收集与AIGC有关的文献摘要,在新浪微博和知乎上收集与AIGC有关的博文和问答,以此建立语料库。通过词频统计、"AIGC"语义相似词分析、BERTopic主题建模及词向量t - SNE降维可视化等方法,对比官方媒体、学术平台和社交平台对AIGC关注热点的差异,从多维度揭示各平台关注重点,以及与AIGC的关联。本文遵循数据驱动的研究范式,为AIGC的未来发展方向和实践研究提供了新视角。
he Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee emphasized that education, science and technology, and talent are foundational and strategic pillars for Chinese-style modernization. Against the backdrop of the new era strategy of building a culturally strong nation, artificial intelligence, represented by large models and AIGC (generative artificial intelligence), has been advancing rapidly, driving a new wave of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Generative AI has emerged as a strategic force for enhancing industrial competitiveness and promoting high-quality economic growth.This paper collects data from four sources-China News, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), Zhihu, and Sina Weibo-to conduct a comparative study on the differences in AIGC-related focus areas among China\'s official media, academic platforms, and social platforms. First, data were gathered by collecting AIGC-related news from China News, abstracts of AIGC-related academic literature from CNKI, and AIGC-related posts and Q&A content from Sina Weibo and Zhihu, forming a comprehensive corpus.Using methods such as word frequency analysis, analysis of words similar to "AIGC," BERTopic topic modeling, and word vector t-SNE dimensionality reduction visualization, this study compares the focus areas of official media, academic platforms, and social platforms on AIGC. It reveals the key areas of interest on each platform and their relationships with AIGC from multiple dimensions. Adopting a data-driven research paradigm, this paper provides new perspectives for the future development and practical research of AIGC.
AIGCWord2VecBERTopicComparative Study