40~65 岁人群睡眠效率与血脂异常关联性研究
ssociation between Sleep Efficiency and Dyslipidemia among Adults Aged 40 to 65
背景 中老年人的睡眠效率(SE)降低可能影响其血脂代谢,需进一步深入分析。目的 分析40~65岁人群 SE 与不同血脂指标间的关联,探讨中心性肥胖在SE与血脂关联间的中介作用,为探讨SE导致血脂异常的途径及血脂异常的防治提供参考依据。方法 于 2022 年 3—11 月对福泉市第一人民医院体检中心体检的符合纳入排除标准的对象进行面对面调查,包括问卷调查、体格检查、实验室指标检测三部分。通过有向无环图(DAG)识别 SE与血脂异常的关联上所需要调整的最小控制变量集为:年龄、性别、吸烟、饮酒、家庭收入、运动及文化程度。采用非条件二分类 Logistic 回归分析探讨 SE 与不同血脂异常指标间的关联。结果 本研究最终纳入 1 095 名调查对象,根据血脂异常与否分组。两组性别、吸烟、饮酒、运动、腰围、臀围及腰臀比比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),调整控制变量后与高 SE 比,低 SE 人群发生高 TG 血症的风险增加(OR=1.35,95%CI=1.03~1.77),SE 与其他血脂指标无关联。中介效应分析显示 WHR 在 SE 与高 TG 血症的关联中具有部分中介作用(β=0.019,95%CI=0.005~0.034),中介效应占比为 32.76%。WHR在SE与低HDL血症的关联中具有遮掩效应。结论 WHR可能是低SE与高 TG 血症关联中的重要路径。
Background Lipid metabolism of middle-aged and older adults may be influenced by decreased sleep efficiencybut their association still needs to be analyzed in-depth. Objective To analyze the association between sleepefficiencySEand different lipid indexes in people aged 40-65and to explore the mediating role of central obesity in the association between SE and lipid to provide reference for exploring the pathway of dyslipidemia caused by SE and its prevention and treatment. Methods From March to November 2022a face-to-face investigation was conducted in the physical examination center of Fuquan First People's Hospitallogistic regression was used to analyze the association between SE and lipid indexes and mediation model was used to analyze the mediating effect of WHR. Results A total of 1095 subjects were included in this study and were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of dyslipidemia. There were statistically significant differences in gendersmokingdrinkingexercisewaist circumferencehip circumference and waist-hip ratio between the two groupsP<0.05. After adjusting control variableshigher risk hypertriglyceridemia was observed in the group with low SE than high SE groupOR=1.3595%CI=1.03-1.77There was no statically significant association between SE and other lipid indexes. Mediation effect analysis showed that WHR had a partial mediating effect in the association between SE and hypertriglyceridemia=0.01995%CI=0.005-0.034WHR played a masking effect on the association between SE and Low high-density lipoproteinemia .Conclusion Central Obesity may be an important pathway in the association between low SE and hypertriglyceridemia.
汪蝶,汪俊华,吴帮云,谭存瑶,谌世晖,李游,蒙玥,王大珊,胡瑾,王子云.40~65 岁人群睡眠效率与血脂异常关联性研究[EB/OL].(2025-02-12)[2025-03-14].https://chinaxiv.org/abs/202502.00069.点此复制