

ssociation between Sleep Quality and Atherosclerosis among Population Aged 40-65 Years


背景  睡眠质量是成年人动脉硬化(AS)的重要影响因素,但其睡眠质量的类别特征尚需进一步探讨,且各睡眠质量类别特征与AS的关联尚未明确。目的  了解40~65岁人群睡眠质量的潜在类别,分析不同睡眠质量类别与AS的关联,为完善AS的个体化防制策略提供参考依据。方法  本研究数据来源于2022年3—11月“贵州省中老年人群睡眠特征及其与慢性病的随访研究”的基线调查。由经过统一培训的调查员和专业人员进行现场问卷调查、体格检查和实验室检测。使用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表进行睡眠质量调查,利用其各维度得分进行潜在类别分析(LCA)。采用修正Poisson回归分析睡眠质量类别与AS的关联,以性别、年龄和是否晚睡进行分层,探讨不同亚组人群睡眠质量类别与AS的关联。结果  共纳入研究对象1059人,共检出AS患者558例,检出率为52.69%。LCA识别出4种睡眠质量类别,为睡眠相对良好型[类别1,n=458(43.25%)]、睡眠不足伴夜间睡眠质量差型[类别2,n=248(23.42%)]、睡眠低效且不足型[类别3,n=238(22.47%)]和睡眠多重问题型[类别4,n=115(10.86%)]。修正Poisson回归分析结果显示,类别3人群AS的患病风险高于类别1(PR=1.14,95%CI=1.00~1.30)。亚组分析显示:在女性人群中,类别3和类别4人群患AS的风险分别是类别1人群的1.44倍(95%CI=1.11~1.86)和1.41倍(95%CI=1.06~1.90);男性人群各睡眠质量类别与AS的关联无统计学意义(P>0.05);晚睡人群中类别4人群患AS的风险是类别1人群的1.26倍(95%CI=1.02~1.56);在非晚睡人群中,类别3人群患AS的风险是类别1人群的1.20倍(95%CI=1.00~1.43)。无论哪一类人群,类别2人群与AS的关联均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论  40~65岁人群睡眠质量存在4种潜在的类别特征,不同睡眠类别特征与AS的关联存在一定差异。应结合人群睡眠问题分类进行针对性干预,以预防AS的发生,尤其重点关注女性和晚睡人群。

Background  Sleep quality is an important influence on arteriosclerosisASbut the category characteristics of sleep quality need to be further exploredand the association of each category with AS has not been clarified. Objective  To explore the potential categories of sleep quality and analyze the association with ASproviding reference for refining individualized prevention strategies for AS. Methods  The data of this study were obtained from the baseline survey of the "Follow-up Study of Sleep Characteristics and Chronic Diseases in the Middle-aged and Elderly Population in Guizhou Province"which was conducted from March to November 2022. Field questionnairesphysical examination and laboratory tests were conducted by uniformly trained investigators and professionals. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexPSQIwas used to evaluate sleep quality problemsand latent class analysisLCAwas performed using the scores of each dimension. Modified Poisson regression was used to analyze the association between sleep quality categories and AS. Stratification analysis was also conducted by genderage and sleeping late. Results  A total of 1 059 adults were included and a total of 558 patients with AS were detectedwith a detection rate of 52.69%. Four sleep quality categories were identified via the LCAincluding good sleep typecategory 1n=45843.25%sleep deprivation with poor nighttime sleep qualitycategory 2n=24823.42%inefficient and insufficient sleep typecategory 3n=23822.47%and multiple sleep problems typecategory 4n=11510.86%.The risk of AS was higher in the category 3 population than in category 1PR=1.1495%CI=1.00-1.30. Subgroup analyses revealed that in the female populationthe risk of AS was higher in category 3 and category 4 compared to category 1with PR=1.4495%CI=1.11-1.86and 1.4195%CI=1.06-1.90. In additionassociation between sleep quality categories and AS in the male population was not statistically significant. Compared with in category 1higher risk of AS was detected in category 4 in the late-sleeping population and in category 3 in the non-late-sleeping groupwith PR=1.2695%CI=1.02-1.56 and 1.2095%CI=1.00-1.43respectively. No statistically significant difference in AS risk were found between category 2 and category 1P>0.05. Conclusion  Four categories characterizing sleep quality were identified among adults aged 40 to 65 yearseach showing different associations with AS. Classification of sleep problems should be combined into individual interventions for better prevention against ASespecially for women and late sleepers.



动脉硬化睡眠质量中年人潜在类别分析修正 Poisson 回归

