

Efficacy and Safety of CAR-T Therapy Targeting the B-cell Maturation Antigen on Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma in Chinese People:a Meta-analysis


背景  靶向B细胞成熟抗原(BCMA)的嵌合抗原受体(CAR)-T 细胞在复发 / 难治性多发性骨髓瘤 (RRMM)的临床研究中显示较好的临床疗效,但目前关于其对于中国 RRMM 患者的疗效与安全性的证据较少。目的  探讨抗 BCMA CAR-T 细胞治疗中国 RRMM 患者的安全性及有效性。方法  计算机检索 PubMed、Web of Science、Embase、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普网数据库。筛选自建库至 2024 年 5 月已发表的关于抗 BCMACAR-T 细胞治疗中国 RRMM 患者的研究,由 2 名研究者独立筛选文献、提取资料并对纳入研究进行偏倚风险评价。以疗效指标、安全性指标及预后指标等为主要结局指标,采用 Stata 16.0 软件进行 Meta 分析。结果  共纳入 18 项研究,包括 684 例患者。Meta 分析结果显示:抗 BCMA CAR-T 细胞治疗 RRMM 患者的总反应率为 86%(95%CI=76%~94%),严格的完全缓解率为 67%(95%CI=58%~75%),完全缓解率为 54%(95%CI=44%~65%),非常好的部分缓解率为 16%(95%CI=8%~24%),部分缓解率为 17%(95%CI=13%~22%)。细胞因子释放综合征(CRS)发生率为 76%(95%CI=56%~92%),3 级及以上 CRS 发生率为 16%(95%CI=8%~26%)。白细胞减少率为 91%(95%CI=74%~100%),3 级及以上白细胞减少率为 70%(95%CI=47%~90%)。中性粒细胞减少率为 82%(95%CI=54%~99%),3 级及以上中性粒细胞减少率为 74%(95%CI=52%~92%)。血小板减少率为 81%(95%CI=64%~95%),3 级及以上血小板减少率为 54%(95%CI=37%~70%)。贫血率为 78%(95%CI=44%~99%),3 级及以上贫血率为 55%(95%CI=38%~70%)。免疫效应细胞相关神经毒性综合征(ICANS)率为 13%(95%CI=4%~24%),3 级及以上 ICANS 率为 0(95%CI=0~2%)。 1 年内死亡率为 3%(95%CI=1%~7%),2 年及以上死亡率为 35%(95%CI=10%~66%)。1 年内复发或进展率为 35%(95%CI=19%~52%),2 年及以上复发或进展率为 35%(95%CI=18%~54%)。1 年内病情稳定率为 60%(95%CI=34%~83%)。1年内无进展生存率为 52%(95%CI=44%~60%)。6 个月内总生存率为 90%(95%CI=76%~99%),1 年及以上总生存率为 74%(95%CI=66%~80%)。结论  抗 BCMA CAR-T 疗法对中国 RRMM 患者有效且安全,但是存在纳入研究样本量较少、质量不一等问题,需要进行更大规模的研究和更高质量的随机对照试验进行进一步验证。

Background  Chimeric antigen receptorCAR-T cell therapy targeting the B-cell maturation antigenBCMAhas shown significant clinical efficacy on treating relapsed/refractory multiple myelomaRRMM. Howeverevidence regarding its effectiveness and safety in Chinese population remains limited. Objective  This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CAR-T therapy targeting the BCMA in Chinese patients with RRMM through a systematic review and meta analysis. Methods  Study on CAR-T therapy targeting the BCMA in Chinese RRMM patients published up to May 2024 were comprehensively searched in the PubMedWeb of ScienceEmbaseChina National Knowledge InfrastructureCNKIWanfang Dataand VIP databases. Two reviewers independently screened the studiesextracted dataand assessed the risk of bias. Primary outcomes included the indicators associated with the efficacysafety and prognosis. Meta-analysis was performed using Stata 16.0. Results  Eighteen studies involving 684 patients were included. The pooled results demonstrated an objective response rateORRof 86%95%CI=76%-94%in Chinese patients with RRMM treated with BCMA CAR-T therapystringent complete responseCRrate of 67%95%CI=58%-75%CR rate of 54%95%CI=44%-65%very good partial responseVGPRrate of 16%95%CI=8%-24%partial response rate of 17%95%CI=13%-22%. Cytokine release syndromeCRSwas observed in 76% of patients95%CI=56%-92%with grade 3 CRS reported in 16%95%CI=8%-26%of them. Leukopenia was reported in 91% of patients95%CI=74%-100%with grade 3 leukopenia occurring in 70%95%CI=47%-90%of them. Neutropenia was identified in 82% of patients95%CI=54%-99%with grade 3 neutropenia occurring in 74%95%CI=52%-92%of them. Thrombocytopenia occurred in 81% of patients 95%CI=64%-95%with grade 3 thrombocytopenia occurring in 54%95%CI=37%-70%of them. Anemia was observed in 78% of patients95%CI=44%-99%with grade 3 anemia occurring in 55%95%CI=38%-70%of them. Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndromeICANSwas reported in 13% of patients95%CI=4%-24%with no grade 3 ICANS cases observed95%CI=0-2%. The 1-year mortality rate was 3%95%CI=1%-7%while the 2- year mortality rate was 35%95%CI=10%-66%. The 1-year recurrence/progression rate was 35%95%CI=19%-52% and 35%95%CI=18%-54%at 2 years. The stable disease rate within 1 year was 60%95%CI=34%-83%. The 1-year progression-free survivalPFSrate was 52%95%CI=0.44-0.60. Additionallythe 6-month overall survivalOSrate was 90%95%CI=76%-99%and the 1-year OS rate was 74%95%CI=66%-80%. Conclusion  CAR-T therapy targeting the BCMA has demonstrated promising efficacy and safety in Chinese patients with RRMM. Howeverthe current studies are limited by small sample sizes and variable quality. Larger-scalehigh-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to further validate its clinical application value.



复发/难治性多发性骨髓瘤B 细胞成熟抗原嵌合抗原受体 -T 细胞疗法Meta 分析

