

Exploring the Causal Relationship between Intake of Multiple Types of Alcoholic Beverages and Gout Risk:A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study


摘要: [目的] 关于酒精摄入量对痛风风险的影响,现有的研究结论却呈现出显著的差异性和不一致性。因此,我们进行了孟德尔随机化分析(MR)来评估多类酒精摄入量与痛风发病风险的因果关系。 [方法] 工具变量从公开可用的全基因组关联研究数据集中获得。采用逆方差加权(IVW)方法进行MR分析,采用留一法进行敏感性检验,MR Egger回归(MER)的截距间接判断异质性及多效性。 [结果] 基于IVW方法的分析结果发现啤酒/苹果酒与痛风之间存在显著的正向因果关系(logOR 1.1865,95% CI [ 0.0326 2.3404],p = 0.04);白葡萄酒与痛风之间存在显著的负因果关系(logOR -0.8784,95% CI [-1.6257 -0.1311],p = 0.02);强化葡萄糖酒与痛风之间存在显著的正因果关系(logOR 2.0453,95% CI [0.0967 3.9940],p=0.04);红葡萄酒与痛风之间存在显著的负因果关系(logOR -6.5141,95% CI [-10.6785 -2.3496],p =0.002);所有酒精饮品(Alcohol)视为一个整体研究时,与痛风之间存在显著的负因果关系(logOR -1.4619,95% CI [-2.8009 -0.1229],p = 0.03)。烈酒与痛风之间存在关联不强、多效性等,未纳入分析。 [结论] 基于IVW模型的分析结果显示,啤酒/苹果酒的摄入量可能是痛风发生的一个风险因素;白葡萄酒红葡萄酒的摄入量可能降低痛风的发病,而强化葡萄酒的摄入量可能是痛风发生的一个风险因素。将所有酒精饮品(Alcohol)视为一个整体时,其摄入量可能降低痛风风险。

Abstract: [Objective] Existing research results on the effect of alcohol consumption on the risk of gout show considerable variability and inconsistency. Therefore, we conducted a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis to evaluate the causal relationship between different types of alcohol consumption and the risk of incident gout. [Methods] Instrumental variables were obtained from publicly available genome-wide association study datasets. Inverse variance weighting (IVW) was used for MR analysis. Leave-one-out sensitivity testing and MR Egger regression (MER) intercept were used to indirectly assess heterogeneity and pleiotropy. Weighted median (WMed), MER, simple mode (SM) and weighted mode (WM) were used as supplementary methods. [Results] MR analysis based on the IVW method revealed a significant positive causal association between "beer/cider" and "gout" (logOR 1.1865, 95% CI [0.0326, 2.3404], p = 0.04; a significant negative causal association between "white wine" and "gout" (logOR -0.8784, 95% CI [-1.6257, -0.1311], p = 0.02); a significant positive causal association between "fortified wine consumption" and "gout" (logOR 2. 0453, 95% CI [0.0967, 3.9940], p = 0.04); a significant negative causal relationship between "red wine" and "gout" (logOR -6.5141, 95% CI [-10.6785, -2.3496], p = 0.002); and a significant negative causal association between "alcohol" (considered as a whole category) and "gout" (logOR -1.4619, 95% CI [-2.8009, -0.1229], p = 0.03). "Liquor" showed a weak association and pleiotropy with "gout" and was not included in the analysis. [Conclusion] Based on the results of the analysis using the IVW model, beer/cider consumption may be a risk factor for incident gout; white wine and red wine consumption may reduce the incidence of gout, whereas fortified wine consumption may be a risk factor for gout. Total alcohol intake may reduce the risk of gout.





酒精的摄入量 痛风 孟德尔随机化 因果关系

Alcohol consumption gout Mendelian randomization causal relationship

