

Analyzing the Web Dynamic of Informational, Navigational and Transactional Queries


[目的]分析信息类、导航类与事务类查询随时间的网络动态性特征,以期为搜索引擎性能优化提供相关依据。 [过程]首先利用相关评测指标分别从查询动态﹑文档内容动态和信息需求动态三角度出发,分析了不同意图类别查询随时间变化所呈现的特征。然后,针对不同意图类别查询,分析了在不同查询流行度特征中,其文档内容以及信息需求变化情况。 [结果]信息类查询中查询流行度分布更有可能包含波峰,事务类查询中查询流行度分布更可能包含多个波峰且更具有周期性,导航类查询中查询流行度更有可能保持直线趋势;信息类查询随时间的网页内容与信息需求变化幅度均分别比其它两类查询的要大:当包含查询流行度分布中包含相同波峰数时,信息类查询的信息需求与网页内容变化幅度均分别比其它两类查询的要大;当查询流行度中整体趋势一致时,信息类查询的信息需求变化幅度相对其它两类查询要大,导航类查询的网页内容变化幅度相对其它两类查询要小。 [结论]对于信息类查询来说,搜索引擎尽可能地对其查询结果进行多样化;对于导航类查询来说,搜索引擎需要保证与之相关权威网页在查询结果中的靠前性;对于与用户交互行为相关的事务类查询,应长时间保持相关网页排序不变;对于一些与娱乐相关事务类查询,在网页排序中需考虑网页的新颖性。 [局限]观察时间段只有一个月;未对不包含波峰与包含多个波峰的查询流行度分布图中波峰进行归类与自动识别。

[Purpose] This paper aims to provide some basis for the performance optimization of search engines through analyzing web dynamic of informational, navigational and transactional queries. [Methods] This paper firstly analyzes the web dynamic of query intent from the following three aspects: query dynamic, web dynamic and the change of information need by using some evaluation metrics. And then, for each category of query intent, this paper also analyzes the change of web document and the change of information need for different type of query dynamic. [Results] ] Results show that, the distribution of query popularity of Informational, transactional and navigational queries is more likely to contain the crests, multiply crests as well as having thecharacter of periodicity and trend of flat respectively. The change of web content of informational queries over time is greater than that that of navigational and transactional queries respectively, and the information intent of informational queries also changes over time is greater than that of another two types of queries respectively. When containing the same number of crests, the change of information need and web content of informational queries is greater than that of informational and navigational queries respectively. When containing the same number of crests, the change of information need of informational queries is greater than that of another two types of queries respectively, and the change of web content of navigational queries is smaller than that of informational and transactional queries respectively. [Conclusion] Search engines need to diverse the search results of informational queries; Search engines need to keep the related and authority pages in the top-ranking of results for navigational queries; Search engines need to keep the ranking of related pages unchanged in the long time for the user behavior-related transactional queries, while search engines need to consider the novelty when ranking pages for the entertainment-related transactional queries. [Limitations] The observing period of our research is only one month; The query popularity distribution was not classified or automatically identified when it contains zero or multiple peaks.






Informational queryTransactional queryNavigational queryQuery dynamicInformation need dynamicDocument content dynamic

国家社科基金 融合用户个性化与实时性意图的查询推荐模型研究( 15 CT Q019 ) 西南大学博士启动基金 查询意图自动分类与分析研究( SWU114093 )

