A new explanation of the Compton effect
本文首先简单介绍了历史上非常著名的“康普顿效应”现象和“康普顿散射公式”的推导过程。但是,当把波长为7埃的入射X光子代入这个公式计算散射角为90度上散射光子的波长时,发现与实测散射波长存在较大差距。而应用“质能方程”和“光子假说”等相对论原理推导得出的“康普顿散射公式”计算解释康普顿效应时,不但存在瑕疵,还产生了多处不能自圆其说的新矛盾。于是,笔者按照经典理论和“普朗克光量子”学说相结合的思路,也是应用“动能守恒定律”和“动量守恒定律”,推导得出了 “新康普顿散射公式”,由此计算结果不但与实验结果更吻合,也不会产生任何新的矛盾问题。
This paper first simply introduces the famous phenomenon of Compton effect in history and the derivation process of Compton scattering formula. but, when the incident X photon with a wavelength of 7 angstroms is substituted into this formula to calculate the wavelength of the scattered photon with a scattering Angle of 90 degrees, it is found that there is a big difference with the measured scattering wavelength. furthermore, the Compton scattering formula derived from the theory of relativity of "mass-energy equation" and "photon hypothesis" not only has some defects, but also produces many new contradictions which cannot be justified, Therefore, the author deduces a "New Compton scattering formula" according to the combination of classical theory and "Planck quantum of light" theory with applies the "law of conservation of kinetic energy" and "law of conservation of momentum" .The calculated results are not only more consistent with the experimental results, but also do not produce any new contradictions.
Compton effect The photon hypothesis Scattering wavelength The photon energy