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harge and current sensitive preamplifier and pulse shape discrimination application

In this study, a compact 16-channel integrated charge and current sensitive preamplifier, called CCPA, was developed for the large-scale detector array used in nuclear physics experiments. The CCPA is designed to achieve the pulse shape discrimination method for silicon detectors. The CCPA has a fast response of typically less than 6 ns for the pulse rise time and a low equivalent noise of 1.5 keV at zero input capacitance. Energy dynamic range and pulse decay time can be easily adjusted for different applications by changing the feedback capacitance Cf and resistance Rf. A good energy resolution of 26.87 keV was achieved for 5.486 MeV αparticles from $^{241}\text{Am}$. The pulse shape discrimination method was applied for the first time in the experiment carried out on the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBBL1), and the CCPA demonstrated high resolution and stability in beam experiments. The experiment has realized the identification of low energy α particles as low as 5 MeV by pulse shape discrimination method, as well as the hundreds MeV charged particle. It provides a new routine for high precision measurement of low energy charged particles emitted by light nuclear reactions.

Study on the condensation pattern of steam jet under different back pressure conditions

In the practical application of engineering, the phenomenon of steam underwater immersion jet under high back pressure conditions (>0.1MPa) exists. However, most of the current research on steam immersion jet condensation flow patterns and their boundaries is conducted under atmospheric pressure conditions (0.1MPa). The applicability of condensation flow patterns and related prediction formulas derived under atmospheric pressure to high back pressure conditions remains to be validated. Based on the experimental research, the condensation pattern of steam underwater immersion jet under different back pressure conditions is identified, and the condensation behavior of the jet under different back pressure conditions is clarified by comparing and analyzing the visual images and dynamic pressure characteristics of different condensation flow patterns, and the influence law of back pressure and other parameters on the condensation flow pattern boundary is mastered. This study fills the gap in the research of steam underwater immersion jet under the condition of high back pressure, which has important scientific research significance and engineering application value.

In Vitro and in Vivo Drug Metabolism Analysis of BPI-460372, a Covalent TEAD1/3/4 Inhibitor

Background: BPI-460372 is an orally available, covalent, irreversible small molecule inhibitor of the tranObjective: This study aimed to determine the cytochrome P450 (CYP) phenotyping, metabolic stability, in vitro and in vivo metabolic profile of BPI-460372.<br />Methods: The CYP phenotyping and metabolic stability were assessed by measuring the depletion of substrate. The metabolic profile in hepatocytes, rats, and dog plasma was analyzed using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Orbitrap-HRMS).<br />Results: BPI-460372 was mainly metabolized by CYP2D6, CYP3A4, and CYP1A2. BPI-460372 exhibited low clearance in human, monkey, and rat hepatocytes, while moderate clearance in dog and mouse hepatocytes. A total of 10 metabolites were identified in five species of hepatocytes, and no human unique metabolite was detected. In rat plasma and dog plasma, the primary metabolites were M407 (BPI-460430) and M423 (BPI-460456), respectively. The two metabolites were quantitatively determined in rat and dog plasma in pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies. The major metabolic sites were 2-fluoro acrylamide, and major metabolic pathways in hepatocytes, rats, and dog plasma involved oxidative defluorination, hydration, glutathione conjugation, hydrolysis, cysteine conjugation and N-acetyl cysteine conjugation. β-lyase pathway contribute to the metabolism of BPI-460372 in rats to a certain degree.<br />Conclusion: This study elucidated the metabolism of BPI-460372 and provided a basis for pharmacokinetic and toxicological species selection, human pharmacokinetics prediction, clinical co-administration limitations, and possible metabolic pathways in humans.

Measurement of $CP$ violation in ${B^0}\rightarrow{D^{+}D^{-}}$ and ${B^{0}_{s}}\rightarrow{D^{+}_{s}D^{-}_{s}}$ decays

A time-dependent, flavour-tagged measurement of $CP$ violation is performed with ${B^0}\rightarrow{D^{+}D^{-}}$ and ${B^{0}_{s}}\rightarrow{D^{+}_{s}D^{-}_{s}}$ decays, using data collected by the LHCb detector in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6 fb$^{-1}$. In ${B^0}\rightarrow{D^{+}D^{-}}$ decays the $CP$-violation parameters are measured to be \begin{align} S_{D^{+}D^{-}} & = -0.552 \pm 0.100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.010\,\text{(syst)}, \nonumber \newline C_{D^{+}D^{-}} & = \phantom{-}0.128 \pm0.103\,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.010\,\text{(syst)}. \nonumber \end{align} In $B^{0}_{s} \rightarrow D^{+}_{s}D^{-}_{s}$ decays the $CP$-violating parameter formulation in terms of $\phi_{s}$ and $|\lambda|$ results in \begin{align} \phi_{s} & = -0.086 \pm 0.106 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.028\,\text{(syst)} \,\text{rad}, \nonumber \newline |\lambda_{D^{+}_{s}D^{-}_{s}}| & = \phantom{-}1.145 \pm 0.126\,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.031\,\text{(syst)}. \nonumber \end{align} These results represent the most precise single measurement of the $CP$-violation parameters in their respective channels. For the first time in a single measurement, $CP$ symmetry is observed to be violated in ${B^0}\rightarrow{D^{+}D^{-}}$ decays with a significance exceeding six standard deviations.

J. E. Davies;A. Davis;Y. Sun;G. Vasquez;R. Vazquez Gomez;P. Vazquez Regueiro;C. Vázquez Sierra;S. Vecchi;J. J. Velthuis;M. Veltri;A. Venkateswaran;M. Verdoglia;M. Vesterinen;D. Vico Benet;P. V. Vidrier Villalba;M. Vieites Diaz;X. Vilasis-Cardona;E. Vilella Figueras;A. Villa;P. Vincent;F. C. Volle;D. vom Bruch;N. Voropaev;O. De Aguiar Francisco;C. De Angelis;F. De Benedetti;J. de Boer;K. De Bruyn;S. De Capua;M. De Cian;U. De Freitas Carneiro Da Graca;E. De Lucia;J. M. De Miranda;L. De Paula;S. Ding;L. Dittmann;V. Dobishuk;C. G?bel;M. R. J. Williams;R. Williams;Z. Williams;F. F. Wilson;M. Winn;W. Wislicki;M. Witek;Y. Xie;A. Xu;Z. Xu;D. Sundfeld;K. Swientek;F. Swystun;A. Szabelski;M. De Serio;W. Sutcliffe;P. -R. Li;Q. Li;S. Li;T. Li;T. Li;Y. Li;Y. Li;Z. Lian;X. Liang;S. Libralon;C. Lin;T. Lin;R. Lindner;K. Liu;S. Liu;W. Liu;Y. Liu;Y. Liu;Y. L. Liu;A. Lobo Salvia;A. Loi;D. Lucchesi;P. De Simone;F. De Vellis;J. A. de Vries;F. Debernardis;D. Decamp;V. Dedu;S. Dekkers;L. Del Buono;B. Delaney;H. -P. Dembinski;J. Deng;V. Denysenko;O. Deschamps;F. Dettori;B. Dey;P. Di Nezza;I. Diachkov;S. Didenko;P. N. Swallow;A. D. Docheva;T. Szumlak;Y. Tan;M. D. Tat;A. Terentev;F. Terzuoli;F. Teubert;E. Thomas;D. J. D. Thompson;H. Tilquin;V. Tisserand;S. T'Jampens;M. Tobin;L. Tomassetti;G. Tonani;X. Tong;D. Torres Machado;L. Toscano;D. Y. Tou;C. Trippl;G. Tuci;N. Tuning;L. H. Uecker;A. Ukleja;D. J. Unverzagt;E. Ursov;C. Dong;A. M. Donohoe;F. Dordei;A. C. dos Reis;A. D. Dowling;W. Duan;P. Duda;M. W. Dudek;L. Dufour;V. Duk;P. Durante;M. M. Duras;J. M. Durham;O. D. Durmus;A. Dziurda;A. Dzyuba;S. Easo;E. Eckstein;U. Egede;A. Egorychev;V. Egorychev;S. Eisenhardt;E. Ejopu;L. Eklund;M. Elashri;J. Ellbracht;S. Ely;A. Ene;E. Epple;J. Eschle;S. Esen;T. Evans;F. Fabiano;L. N. Falcao;Y. Fan;B. Fang;Y. Wang;Z. Wang;Z. Wang;Z. Wang;J. A. Ward;M. Waterlaat;N. K. Watson;D. Websdale;Y. Wei;J. Wendel;B. D. C. Westhenry;C. White;M. Whitehead;E. Whiter;A. R. Wiederhold;D. Wiedner;G. Wilkinson;M. K. Wilkinson;M. Williams;L. Fantini;LHCb collaboration;R. Aaij;A. S. W. Abdelmotteleb;C. Abellan Beteta;F. Abudinén;T. Ackernley;A. A. Adefisoye;B. Adeva;M. Adinolfi;P. Adlarson;C. Agapopoulou;C. A. Aidala;Z. Ajaltouni;S. Akar;K. Akiba;P. Albicocco;J. Albrecht;F. Alessio;M. Alexander;Z. Aliouche;P. Alvarez Cartelle;R. Amalric;S. Amato;J. L. Amey;Y. Amhis;L. An;L. Anderlini;M. Andersson;A. Andreianov;P. Andreola;M. Andreotti;D. Andreou;A. Anelli;D. Ao;F. Archilli;M. Argenton;S. Arguedas Cuendis;A. Artamonov;M. Artuso;E. Aslanides;R. Ataíde Da Silva;M. Faria;K. Farmer;D. Fazzini;L. Felkowski;M. Feng;M. Feo;A. Fernandez Casani;M. Fernandez Gomez;A. D. Fernez;F. Ferrari;F. Ferreira Rodrigues;M. Ferrillo;M. Ferro-Luzzi;S. Filippov;R. A. Fini;M. Fiorini;M. Firlej;K. L. Fischer;D. S. Fitzgerald;C. Fitzpatrick;T. Fiutowski;F. Fleuret;M. Fontana;L. F. Foreman;R. Forty;D. Foulds-Holt;V. Franco Lima;M. Franco Sevilla;M. Frank;E. Franzoso;G. Frau;C. Frei;D. A. Friday;J. Fu;Q. Fuehring;Y. Fujii;T. Fulghesu;E. Gabriel;G. Galati;M. D. Galati;A. Gallas Torreira;D. Galli;S. Gambetta;M. Gandelman;P. Gandini;B. Ganie;H. Gao;R. Gao;T. Q. Gao;Y. Gao;Y. Gao;Y. Gao;M. Garau;L. M. Garcia Martin;P. Garcia Moreno;J. García Pardi?as;K. G. Garg;L. Garrido;C. Gaspar;R. E. Geertsema;L. L. Gerken;E. Gersabeck;M. Gersabeck;T. Gershon;S. G. Ghizzo;Z. Ghorbanimoghaddam;L. Giambastiani;F. I. Giasemis;V. Gibson;H. K. Giemza;A. L. Gilman;M. Giovannetti;A. Gioventù;L. Girardey;P. Gironella Gironell;C. Giugliano;M. A. Giza;E. L. Gkougkousis;F. C. Glaser;V. V. Gligorov;E. Golobardes;D. Golubkov;A. Golutvin;S. Gomez Fernandez;F. Goncalves Abrantes;M. Goncerz;G. Gong;J. A. Gooding;I. V. Gorelov;C. Gotti;J. P. Grabowski;L. A. Granado Cardoso;E. Graugés;E. Graverini;L. Grazette;G. Graziani;A. T. Grecu;L. M. Greeven;N. A. Grieser;L. Grillo;S. Gromov;C. Gu;M. Guarise;A. Usachov;U. Uwer;V. Vagnoni;L. Guerry;M. Guittiere;V. Guliaeva;P. A. Günther;A. -K. Guseinov;E. Gushchin;Y. Guz;T. Gys;K. Habermann;T. Hadavizadeh;C. Hadjivasiliou;G. Haefeli;C. Haen;X. Cid Vidal;G. Ciezarek;P. Cifra;P. E. L. Clarke;M. Clemencic;H. V. Cliff;J. Closier;C. Cocha Toapaxi;V. Coco;J. Cogan;E. Cogneras;L. Cojocariu;P. Collins;T. Colombo;M. C. Colonna;A. Comerma-Montells;L. Congedo;A. Contu;N. Cooke;I. Corredoira;J. Haimberger;M. Hajheidari;G. Hallett;M. M. Halvorsen;P. M. Hamilton;J. Hammerich;Q. Han;X. Han;S. Hansmann-Menzemer;L. Hao;N. Harnew;D. Miao;A. Minotti;B. Mitreska;D. S. Mitzel;M. P. Morgenthaler;J. Moron;Z. M. Mu;E. Muhammad;F. Muheim;S. Perazzini;A. Seuthe;Y. Shang;D. M. Shangase;M. Shapkin;R. S. Sharma;I. Shchemerov;L. Shchutska;T. Shears;L. Shekhtman;T. Ketel;B. Khanji;A. Kharisova;G. Lanfranchi;C. Langenbruch;J. Langer;O. Lantwin;T. Latham;F. Lazzari;C. Lazzeroni;A. Leflat;S. Legotin;M. Lehuraux;E. Lemos Cid;O. Leroy;T. Lesiak;E. Lesser;B. Leverington;A. Li;C. Li;H. Li;K. Li;L. Li;M. Li;P. Li;M. Hartmann;S. Hashmi;J. He;F. Hemmer;C. Henderson;R. D. L. Henderson;A. M. Hennequin;K. Hennessy;L. Henry;J. Herd;P. Herrero Gascon;J. Heuel;A. Hicheur;G. Hijano Mendizabal;D. Hill;S. E. Hollitt;A. Correia;G. Corti;J. J. Cottee Meldrum;B. Couturier;D. C. Craik;M. Cruz Torres;E. Curras Rivera;R. Currie;C. L. Da Silva;S. Dadabaev;L. Dai;X. Dai;E. Dall'Occo;J. Dalseno;C. D'Ambrosio;J. Daniel;A. Danilina;P. d'Argent;A. Davidson;T. Skwarnicki;M. W. Slater;J. C. Smallwood;E. Smith;K. Smith;M. Smith;A. Snoch;L. Soares Lavra;M. D. Sokoloff;F. J. P. Soler;A. Solomin;A. Solovev;I. Solovyev;R. Song;Y. Song;Y. Song;Y. S. Song;F. L. Souza De Almeida;B. Souza De Paula;E. Spadaro Norella;E. Spedicato;J. G. Speer;E. Spiridenkov;P. Spradlin;V. Sriskaran;F. Stagni;J. Horswill;R. Hou;Y. Hou;N. Howarth;J. Hu;J. Hu;W. Hu;X. Hu;W. Huang;W. Hulsbergen;R. J. Hunter;M. Hushchyn;D. Hutchcroft;M. Idzik;D. Ilin;P. Ilten;A. Inglessi;A. Iniukhin;A. Ishteev;K. Ivshin;R. Jacobsson;H. Jage;S. J. Jaimes Elles;S. Jakobsen;E. Jans;B. K. Jashal;A. Jawahery;V. Jevtic;E. Jiang;X. Jiang;Y. Jiang;Y. J. Jiang;A. Ustyuzhanin;M. John;A. John Rubesh Rajan;D. Johnson;C. R. Jones;T. P. Jones;S. Joshi;B. Jost;J. Juan Castella;N. Jurik;I. Juszczak;D. Kaminaris;S. Kandybei;M. Kane;Y. Kang;C. Kar;M. Karacson;D. Karpenkov;A. Kauniskangas;J. W. Kautz;M. K. Kazanecki;F. Keizer;M. Kenzie;S. Kholodenko;G. Khreich;T. Kirn;V. S. Kirsebom;O. Kitouni;S. Klaver;N. Kleijne;K. Klimaszewski;M. R. Kmiec;S. Koliiev;L. Kolk;A. Konoplyannikov;P. Kopciewicz;P. Koppenburg;M. Korolev;V. Valcarce Cadenas;G. Valenti;N. Valls Canudas;H. Van Hecke;E. van Herwijnen;I. Kostiuk;O. Kot;S. Kotriakhova;A. Kozachuk;P. Kravchenko;L. Kravchuk;M. Kreps;P. Krokovny;W. Krupa;W. Krzemien;O. K. Kshyvanskyi;C. B. Van Hulse;R. Van Laak;M. van Veghel;S. Kubis;M. Kucharczyk;V. Kudryavtsev;E. Kulikova;A. Kupsc;B. K. Kutsenko;D. Lacarrere;P. Laguarta Gonzalez;A. Lai;A. Lampis;D. Lancierini;C. Landesa Gomez;J. J. Lane;R. Lane;R. Le Gac;H. Lee;R. Lefèvre;V. Lisovskyi;R. Litvinov;F. L. Liu;G. Liu;J. Lomba Castro;T. Long;J. H. Lopes;A. Lopez Huertas;S. López Soli?o;Q. Lu;C. Lucarelli;M. Lucio Martinez;V. Lukashenko;Y. Luo;A. Lupato;E. Luppi;K. Lynch;X. -R. Lyu;G. M. Ma;R. Ma;K. Vos;G. Vouters;C. Vrahas;J. Wagner;E. J. Walton;S. Maccolini;F. Machefert;F. Maciuc;J. Walsh;B. Mack;I. Mackay;G. Wan;C. Wang;G. Wang;R. Wang;X. Wang;L. M. Mackey;L. R. Madhan Mohan;J. Wang;J. Wang;J. Wang;J. Wang;M. Wang;N. W. Wang;C. Mancuso;E. Mariani;S. Mariani;C. Marin Benito;J. Marks;A. M. Marshall;L. Martel;G. Martelli;F. Martinez Vidal;A. Massafferri;R. Matev;A. Mathad;V. Matiunin;P. Mayencourt;J. Mazorra de Cos;M. Mazurek;M. McCann;L. Mcconnell;T. H. McGrath;A. McNab;R. McNulty;L. Meyer Garcia;X. Wang;M. J. Madurai;A. Maevskiy;D. Magdalinski;D. Maisuzenko;M. W. Majewski;J. J. Malczewski;S. Malde;L. Malentacca;A. Malinin;T. Maltsev;G. Manca;X. W. Wang;G. Mancinelli;R. Manera Escalero;D. Manuzzi;D. Marangotto;J. F. Marchand;R. Marchevski;U. Marconi;G. Martellotti;L. Martinazzoli;M. Martinelli;D. Martinez Santos;C. Matteuzzi;K. R. Mattioli;A. Mauri;E. Maurice;J. Mauricio;N. T. McHugh;B. Meadows;G. Meier;D. Melnychuk;F. M. Meng;M. Merk;A. Merli;H. Miao;M. Mikhasenko;D. A. Milanes;E. Minucci;T. Miralles;A. Modak;R. A. Mohammed;R. D. Moise;S. Mokhnenko;E. F. Molina Cardenas;T. Momb?cher;S. Monteil;A. Morcillo Gomez;G. Morello;M. Monk;M. J. Morello;A. B. Morris;A. G. Morris;R. Mountain;H. Mu;M. Mulder;K. Müller;F. Mu?oz-Rojas;R. Murta;L. Witola;G. Wormser;S. A. Wotton;Z. Wu;P. Naik;K. Wyllie;T. Nakada;H. Wu;J. Wu;Y. Wu;S. Xian;Z. Xiang;N. Neufeld;P. Neustroev;J. Nicolini;R. Nandakumar;T. Nanut;I. Nasteva;M. Needham;N. Neri;E. M. Niel;S. Neubert;D. Nicotra;N. Nikitin;P. Nogarolli;P. Nogga;C. Normand;J. Novoa Fernandez;G. Nowak;C. Nunez;H. N. Nur;A. Oblakowska-Mucha;V. Obraztsov;T. Oeser;S. Okamura;A. Okhotnikov;O. Okhrimenko;F. Oliva;R. Oldeman;M. Olocco;C. J. G. Onderwater;O. Ozcelik;F. Paciolla;B. Pagare;R. H. O'Neil;D. Osthues;J. M. Otalora Goicochea;P. Owen;A. Oyanguren;A. Padee;K. O. Padeken;J. Xu;P. R. Pais;M. Palutan;L. Xu;L. Xu;T. Pajero;A. Palano;G. Panshin;M. Xu;L. Paolucci;A. Papanestis;G. Passaleva;M. Pappagallo;L. L. Pappalardo;C. Pappenheimer;C. Parkes;B. Passalacqua;D. Passaro;Z. Xu;K. Yang;S. Yang;X. Yang;Y. Yang;Z. Yang;Z. Yang;V. Yeroshenko;A. Pastore;M. Patel;J. Patoc;C. Patrignani;A. Paul;Z. Xu;D. Yang;J. Peng;M. Pepe Altarelli;C. J. Pawley;A. Pellegrino;D. Pereima;H. Yeung;H. Yin;C. Y. Yu;J. Yu;X. Yuan;H. Pereira Da Costa;A. Pereiro Castro;Y Yuan;E. Zaffaroni;M. Zavertyaev;P. Perret;M. Stahl;S. Stahl;S. Stanislaus;E. N. Stein;O. Steinkamp;O. Stenyakin;H. Stevens;D. Strekalina;Y. Su;F. Suljik;J. Sun;L. Sun;M. Zdybal;A. Perro;K. Petridis;A. Petrolini;J. P. Pfaller;H. Pham;L. Pica;M. Piccini;L. Piccolo;B. Pietrzyk;G. Pietrzyk;D. Pinci;F. Pisani;M. Pizzichemi;V. Placinta;M. Plo Casasus;T. Poeschl;F. Polci;M. Poli Lener;A. Poluektov;N. Polukhina;I. Polyakov;E. Polycarpo;M. Romero Lamas;A. Ryzhikov;J. Ryzka;J. J. Saavedra-Arias;B. Saitta;M. Salomoni;I. Sanderswood;R. Santacesaria;C. Santamarina Rios;M. Santimaria;L. Santoro;E. Santovetti;A. Saputi;D. Saranin;A. Sarnatskiy;G. Sarpis;M. Sarpis;C. Satriano;A. Satta;M. Saur;F. Zenesini;C. Zeng;S. Zhang;D. Savrina;H. Sazak;F. Sborzacchi;L. G. Scantlebury Smead;Z. Shen;S. Sheng;V. Shevchenko;B. Shi;Q. Shi;Y. Shimizu;E. Shmanin;R. Shorkin;J. D. Shupperd;R. Silva Coutinho;G. Simi;S. Simone;N. Skidmore;D. H. Campora Perez;A. F. Campoverde Quezada;S. Capelli;L. Capriotti;R. Caravaca-Mora;A. Carbone;L. Carcedo Salgado;R. Cardinale;A. Cardini;P. Carniti;L. Carus;A. Casais Vidal;R. Caspary;G. Casse;J. Castro Godinez;M. Cattaneo;G. Cavallero;V. Cavallini;S. Celani;D. Cervenkov;S. Cesare;A. J. Chadwick;I. Chahrour;M. Charles;S. Ponce;D. Popov;S. Poslavskii;K. Prasanth;M. Zeng;C. Prouve;D. Provenzano;V. Pugatch;G. Punzi;S. Qasim;Q. Q. Qian;W. Qian;N. Qin;S. Qu;R. Quagliani;R. I. Rabadan Trejo;J. H. Rademacker;M. Rama;M. Ramírez García;V. Ramos De Oliveira;M. Ramos Pernas;M. S. Rangel;F. Ratnikov;G. Raven;M. Rebollo De Miguel;F. Redi;J. Reich;F. Reiss;Z. Ren;C. Zhang;D. Zhang;J. Zhang;L. Zhang;S. Zhang;P. K. Resmi;R. Ribatti;G. R. Ricart;D. Riccardi;S. Ricciardi;K. Richardson;M. Richardson-Slipper;K. Rinnert;P. Robbe;G. Robertson;E. Rodrigues;E. Rodriguez Fernandez;J. A. Rodriguez Lopez;E. Rodriguez Rodriguez;J. Roensch;A. Rogachev;A. Rogovskiy;D. L. Rolf;P. Roloff;V. Romanovskiy;A. Romero Vidal;Y. Zhang;Y. Z. Zhang;X. Z. Zheng;Y. Zheng;T. Zhou;X. Zhu;X. Zhu;V. Zhukov;J. Zhuo;G. Romolini;F. Ronchetti;T. Rong;M. Rotondo;S. R. Roy;M. S. Rudolph;M. Ruiz Diaz;Y. Zhao;A. Zharkova;A. Zhelezov;S. Z. Zheng;Q. Zou;D. Zuliani;R. A. Ruiz Fernandez;J. Ruiz Vidal;J. J. Saborido Silva;X. Zhou;Y. Zhou;V. Zhovkovska;G. Zunica;R. Sadek;N. Sagidova;D. Sahoo;L. Z. Zhu;N. Sahoo;J. Baptista de Souza Leite;C. Barbero Pretel;M. Barbetti;I. R. Barbosa;R. J. Barlow;M. Barnyakov;S. Barsuk;W. Barter;M. Bartolini;J. Bartz;J. M. Basels;S. Bashir;G. Bassi;B. Batsukh;S. Belin;A. Scarabotto;S. Schael;S. Scherl;M. Schiller;V. Bellee;K. Belous;I. Belov;I. Belyaev;G. Benane;G. Bencivenni;H. Schindler;M. Schmelling;B. Schmidt;S. Schmitt;H. Schmitz;O. Schneider;E. Ben-Haim;A. Berezhnoy;M. Atzeni;B. Audurier;D. Bacher;I. Bachiller Perea;S. Bachmann;M. Bachmayer;J. J. Back;P. Baladron Rodriguez;V. Balagura;W. Baldini;L. Balzani;H. Bao;P. B. Battista;A. Bay;A. Beck;M. Becker;F. Bedeschi;I. B. Bediaga;N. A. Behling;R. Bernet;S. Bernet Andres;C. Betancourt;O. Boente Garcia;C. S. Bolognani;J. S. Butter;J. Buytaert;W. Byczynski;S. Cadeddu;H. Cai;A. C. Caillet;R. Calabrese;S. Calderon Ramirez;L. Calefice;S. Cali;M. Calvi;M. Calvo Gomez;P. Camargo Magalhaes;J. I. Cambon Bouzas;P. Campana;A. Bertolin;A. Schopper;F. Betti;N. Schulte;R. Schwemmer;S. Schulte;M. H. Schune;J. Bex;Ia. Bezshyiko;J. Bhom;M. S. Bieker;N. V. Biesuz;P. Billoir;A. Biolchini;M. Birch;F. C. R. Bishop;A. Bitadze;A. Bizzeti;T. Blake;F. Blanc;J. E. Blank;S. Blusk;V. Bocharnikov;J. A. Boelhauve;T. Boettcher;G. Schwering;B. Sciascia;A. Sciuccati;S. Sellam;A. Semennikov;T. Senger;A. Sergi;A. Bohare;A. Boldyrev;R. Bolzonella;M. Senghi Soares;L. Sestini;N. Bondar;A. Bordelius;F. Borgato;S. Borghi;M. Borsato;J. T. Borsuk;S. A. Bouchiba;M. Bovill;T. J. V. Bowcock;A. Boyer;C. Bozzi;A. Brea Rodriguez;N. Breer;J. Brodzicka;A. Brossa Gonzalo;J. Brown;D. Brundu;E. Buchanan;A. Buonaura;L. Buonincontri;A. T. Burke;Ph. Charpentier;E. Chatzianagnostou;M. Chefdeville;C. Chen;S. Chen;Z. Chen;A. Chernov;S. Chernyshenko;X. Chiotopoulos;V. Chobanova;S. Cholak;M. Chrzaszcz;A. Chubykin;V. Chulikov;P. Ciambrone;C. Burr;N. Serra发表时间:2025-01-16
It Takes Three to Ceilidh: Pension System and Multidimensional Poverty Mitigation in China

This research, employing the Alkire-Foster approach to uncover multidimensional poverty between 2012 and 2020 in China, models and examines the sustainable effects and mechanisms of the three-pillar pension system in household poverty mitigation with the China Family Panel Studies data. The results evince that more participation in the pension system mitigates the probability of being trapped in multidimensional poverty. The findings reveal the significance of synchronising state social insurance, enterprise annuity, and individual commercial insurance. The mitigation effect of market-oriented pillars is achieved through more investment in and consumption for livelihood assets. Based upon the sustainable livelihoods framework, livelihood assets ameliorate household capabilities in human, natural, financial, and psychological capital against exogenous shocks and uncertainties. Our research contributes to the theory and praxis of the facilitating state in new structural economics illustrated by the multi-pillar pension system in sustainable micro-household poverty mitigation.

Cheng Yuan;Tao Louie Xu;Yansong David Wang发表时间:2025-01-16